Saturday, September 11, 2010


some of us were rather grumpy in high school. new project forthcoming.

it will probably have the same title.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

'I'm a bad woman, I'm a ruined woman,' she thought, 'but I don't like to lie, I can't bear lying, and lying is food for him'. 'He knows everything, he sees everything; what does he feel, then, if he can talk so calmly?'


'But what was the purpose of pretending?' Varenka said softly.
'Oh, how vile and stupid! There was no need at all... It was all pretence!' she said, opening and closing the parasol.
'But for what purpose?'
'So as to seem better to people, to myself, to God-to decieve everyone. No, I won't fall into that any more! Be bad, but at least don't be a liar, a deciever!'

- Anna Karenina

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Monday, July 13, 2009

Milk has always held a lot of significance for me. I was allergic to dairy until I was 8, so I imagined milk tasted like melted ice cream. Then I drank some and it didn't, and I went into a spiraling depression. Kind of. Harvey Milk was also an important civil rights leader. But he wasn't interesting. I learned this from the biopic about him, also titled... "Milk". But the trial surrounding his death was interesting. That wasn't in the movie though.

This is what is wrong with the slave culture perpetuated by the American Movie Trafficing Industry!!!! I AM SELF RIGHTEOUS!!!! SEE? SEE?

Anyway, my friend Alexx doesn't drink milk. She told me the non organic kind comes from a bunch of different cows and if one of them was sick I could be in trouble.

Then I drank some milk. To you know, be belligerent.

Anyway... To me, milk represents oppression. Cows should only really be milked after giving full verbal consent. If you're a dairy farmer and would like to know how to do this while still being sexy, I'm holding a workshop this saturday at the IMC.
Posted by Mittens at 3:08 PM 0 comments

Thursday, November 5, 2009
"If I can't dance...."

How over the top is it that I want this on a poster?

I mean...To me, posters represent oppression. Images should not be confined to one's dorm wall or a seedy phonebooth! Of course, I'm not going to come up with a solution for this (or anything else, for that matter), because I'm a radical leftist blogger and we just don't do that kind of thing! Side note...I'm not a radical leftist. This is facetious. I don't know.

AND ANOTHER THING: Posters are not a valid form of self-expression, unless you take the pictures yourself, and then learn about community darkroom movements so you can develop your own photos outside of the generic conglomerate photolab monopoly. Can I be self-congratulatory now? Oh, it's my blog? I can do whatever I want? Awesome.
Posted by Mittens at 2:37 PM
daria at uni high:

"yeah, i'm tired of being at a school where the kids just think they're cooler than me. i wanna be at a school where they think they're smarter than me too" bahahahaha

Monday, May 17, 2010


Monday, March 29, 2010

There was a crowd of seeds

Today's motto is "Puck fassover, vuck fassar!"

Jamie Blue was today's saving grace (yet again) when she was telling me about life in Minnesota and said "Well, you have blonde hair and blue eyes so you'll fit right in!"

I'm not even blond...That girl and Kathy Qiu have made Uni High bearable, I swear...

To me, college represents oppresion. Higher learning should be on an egalitarian plane! These institutions represent de facto ageist segregation with their absurd requirements of "completing high school" and "being able to read"!

That's why I'm going to Arkansas!

(I realize this is a cheap joke (like yo mama), I just reaaaallly hate having passover imposed on mmmmmmmmmmmmmmme)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

ice skating = winter gymnastics, curling = shuffleboard on crack. i mean, ice...

mississippi was so dope.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

you seem to have a broader sensibility

Please ignore the Anne Sexton below. fijo;weaaaaaaaaa why is blogger on pacific time.

ps: dear junior girls,

edit: maritza is right. that taylor swift article isn't even GOOD JOURNALISM.

Friday, January 15, 2010

i'm not between you and your ambition

being white and a girl and under 20 in the midwest is so great. every lady who is old enough to be my mother calls me hon or sweetie. i'm kind of digging it. Also, thank you Erika Belmont:

Which reminded me of this time I shivered and Maritza said "What'sa matter Dripps, ya turnin' into icicles?" Well, I thought it was clever... Anyway, I can't tell if my studprod play plagiarized Teen Girl Squad or if Teen Girl Squad plagiarized my life....

"I'm fit to get makey outey all over those uppaclassmen!"